Thursday, February 27, 2014


The representation for fire in my meditation corner is a candle. (Very original! (-; ) Since I have a cat who loves to push items off tables, a candle isn't safe or practical. Several years ago, I found some tea lights at Michael's that use watch batteries and have a flickering bulb. All the ambiance of a candle without the worry of an open flame.

I re-purposed the wine glass I used to use when I lived at home with my parents. It's cut glass crystal and has a blue rim. The stem of the glass broke and even though it's been glued, it can't be used to drink from. The glue melted when the glass was washed. Wabi Sabi. The glass makes a perfect candle holder. While meditating or praying, I like to place the "lit" tea candle under the glass. I like the way the light flickers through the cut glass and at the reflection in the blue vase.

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